Pumpkin Carvings

2014 - Frankenstein
I'm revisiting Frank for a step-by-step tutorial for Klutch Chronicle in La Crosse, WI.
See full article and pics below.

How to Carve a Pumpkin Like a Master…or Close to It.
By Jenn Bushman

How do you carve an awesome pumpkin? It’s not too hard, but it takes a lot of patience. In this step-by-step I talk about how to carve a realistic looking jack-o-lantern. It may not look like much in the light, but put in a candle and turn out the lights and you’ll see the pumpkin come to life!

First off, you need to find the perfect pumpkin, that is, the one that’s perfect for you.  For me, it depends on my mood and what I want to carve, but I usually go with a pumpkin that has a flat front, which will help carving.  A gnarly looking pumpkin, on the other hand, can add drama to your final product.

The Tools
Most people use the pumpkin carving kits you get at the store, but my favorite tools are some less likely items. For cutting off the tops and bottoms, a saw from a carving kit does the trick. To scoop the guts, a scoop from the kits works well enough, but my favorite for this is a metal tablespoon I got from my grandma. As for the actual carving of the image, I use an X-acto knife with various tips and a small wood carving chisel or a flat X-acto tip. Last, you’ll need a sharp awl or plastic poker to help with your guidelines, just as you would with the stencils you get from kits.

Cut a Hole in the Pumpkin
Using a carving saw cut a hole in either the bottom or top of the pumpkin, whichever you prefer. If you'll be using a candle for illumination, you can cut the hole in the pumpkin's top or back as an air hole, however I prefer battery-operated candles to avoid any pumpkin roasts. Next: the fun part! Scoop out the guts, pulp, and seeds. Separate out the seeds, then wash and dry them to plant next year or throw them in the oven for a yummy snack.

Choosing, Transferring & Carving Your Image
Many people aren’t confident with drawing the image they want on the pumpkin, so an easy way around this is to find the image you’d like to use, let’s say Frankenstein, and print off a guide. If you have an image editor on your computer, change the image to black and white and bump up the contrast a little, not too much though. Then print. Make sure to print the image the size you’d like on your pumpkin.

To transfer your design, first cut the corners to help with the curves of the pumpkin and tape your image onto to it. Poke holes in a line that traces the border of all the white spaces, but don’t go too close to the dark areas. These dots are guidelines for later. Once you have all the dots done for the white areas, remove the template.

Next is the most time consuming part of the process, so be patient! Use the X-acto knife to lightly and gently cut along the outside of the poked line designating your white areas.  Make sure not to cut through the rind. Once your lines are cut, use your chisel or flat carving tool to pull up the skin and a little rind (removing the poked line) for all the white areas of the image. Once this is done, you can take your pumpkin into a dark room to check your progress. To brighten areas, scrape them a bit deeper. Scraping from the inside will brighten the whole image, but be careful not to scrape too much and break through the rind.

How to Light Your Pumpkin
To light your jack-o-lantern place candles, small flashlights, or battery-operated lights inside. One light may not be enough; I use 3 or 4. You can even use a short string of Christmas lights, wrapped around a mason jar and secured with tape. And just like that, you are a pumpkin carving master!

2013 - Headless Horsmen

2013 - Skeletor on white pumpkin

2012 - Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice

David Bowie - The Labyrinth

2011 Pumpkins
Edward Sissorhands | Frank | The Shinning | Haunted House

The Tools
I use a variety of pumpkin carving tools, from xacto knives
to tablespoons...whatever gets the job done.

 2010 Pumpkin
Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!

2009 Pumpkins
Thriller Theme |Second Supper Cover

2007 Pumpkin
Creepy Clown

2005 Pumpkin
Candy Pukin Pumpkin

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